Air target products

Miss Distance Indicators for sleeve targets

Integration mdi sleeve target
The AS-131 for sleeve targets is a universal 12-sector miss distance indicator (MDI) which is designed for simultaneous indication of miss distance and the angular position in 12 sectors of a passing supersonic projectile.

The MDI is a universal type, i.e. it handles all target courses relative to the firing gun or missile, i.e. all types of attacking and passing courses.

The MDI consists of a microphone nose containing six pressure sensors, and a cylindrical body containing the electronics, the transmitter, and a rechargeable NIMH accumulator.

The miss distance indicator AS-131 detects acoustically the shock wave generated by the passing supersonic projectile.

The miss distance is determined by the amplitude of the shock wave while the angular position is determined from the hit order between the different pressure sensors in the MDI nose.

The miss distance and the angular position of the projectiles are measured in real time and the data is transmitted as raw data signals via the special designed transmitter to the scoring station. Since raw data is used, all calculations are made in the scoring station.

A recalculation of the scoring result, with later more accurate parameters, can easily be made in the scoring station for further improved accuracy.


Product range – MDI's for sleeve targets


The AS-131/TB can be equipped with a range of tow line connections in order to facilitate connection to most target towing systems.

TB = Towbar


The miss distance indicator consists of a microphone nose containing six pressure sensors, and a cylindrical body containing the electronics, i.e transmitter, uplink receiver, 20 W lamp, and a rechargeable NIMH accumulator.

LT = Light


The GPS coordinates, i.e. the MDI position, are linked to the MDI telemetry link and are transmitted every second to the scoring station.
The GPS data from the MDI is extracted from the scoring station. The MDI position, altitude, speed, and gun position coordinate are used in the soring station when calculating the actual* miss distance. *(mathematical
solution for projectile trajectory relative to target trajectory).


GPS = Global Positioning System



Do you have any questions about MDI:s for sleeve targets, contact us.