Air target products
Miss distance indicators for aerial hard targets
Together with other useful payload, the Miss Distance Indicator (MDI) is an essential part of any live-fire training mission or testing campaign. Air Target Sweden provides different MDI platforms for integration into any kind of towed aerial target. All Air Target MDI is available as universal type, i.e. they handle all target courses relative the firing gun or missile, i.e. all types of attacking and passing courses with Real-Time presentation of the live-firing results to the user.
The universal 12-sector miss distance indicator (MDI) AS-113 is intended to be installed in aerial hard targets.
The MDI is a universal type, i.e. it handles all target courses relative to the firing gun or missile, i.e. all types of attacking and passing target courses.
The MDI is either powered by a rechargeable battery that is housed in the TUP-23. If external power is available from the hard target the TUP-30 is a smaller and lighter option.
The universal 12-sector miss distance indicator MDI AS-133 is intended to be installed in both hard targets and target drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
The MDI is a universal type, i.e. it handles all target courses relative the firing gun or missile, i.e. all types of attacking and passing courses.
The MDI 134 is designed to be installed in target drones, UAVs or hard targets. The universal MDI can very easily be modified to fit all target drones or hard targets available on the market.
The MDI is intended for all target courses, i.e. it is possible to fire at a target coming from any direction. The MDI measures the miss distance and angular position in 12-sectors of a passing supersonic projectile.

Do you have any questions about MDI:s for hard targets, contact us.